
Friday, May 22, 2015

Office Wear

After wearing jeans and non-slip shoes to work for six months, I'm so excited to have a job where I can actually get dressed every day! Although, I've realized that my wardrobe mostly consists of casual wear, because, up to this point, that's usually all I've ever needed. Now I'm on the hunt for some office appropriate wardrobe staples that will last. Here's what I'm loving right now:

12 in 12: Sitti

Downtown Raleigh in the spring is such a fun place to hang out. The weather recently has been gorgeous, and everyone milling about always makes for some good people-watching. Julie and I decided to try Sitti as one of my 12 in 12 for the month of May. I have always loved Mediterranean food, and after a trip to Israel back in 2011, I have some wonderful memories associated with certain meals there. Sitti actually serves Lebanese food, but since Israel and Lebanon are neighbors both bordering the Mediterranean sea, the cuisine is similar.

Sitti had modern, upscale feel to it, but Julie and I opted to sit at a sidewalk table because it was so loud inside. Another friend of mine recommended that we sit in the courtyard, but there was a wedding reception being held there that night. The food was delicious, but not my favorite of Mediterranean style dishes I've had in the past. I would love to go back and try something different - all of the menu options looked incredible.

When our orders came, Julie and I were so hungry, we dug right in and completely forgot to take pictures of our meal! So in lieu of food photos, here are a few of my favorite snapshots of Israel.

The view from Mount Carmel overlooking an olive grove and the valley of Jezreel.

The synagogue at Capernaum.

The hills near Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered.

The view from the Mount of the Beatitudes overlooking the Sea of Galilee.

The springs at Ceasarea Philippi. 

I'm loving this adventure of trying out restaurants that are unique to Raleigh! Any recommendations for restaurants that aren't on my list?

Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Raleigh Food Truck Rodeo - Round 1

I remember hearing great things about the Food Truck Rodeos in Downtown Raleigh last year, so this month when my roommate invited a group of our friends to go, I was so excited! It was packed, but so much fun! The weather was perfect - sunny and breezy but not too warm - and the food was even better. And, people-watching downtown is always entertaining.

Caroline and I stood in line for a loooooooooong time to get Arepas - which were absolutely worth the wait. An Arepa is sort of like a corn tortilla/pita hybrid. I ordered one with chicken and peppers and onions, and Caroline opted for one with BBQ pork with pico de gallo. We couldn't tell whose was whose though, so I think I ended up eating hers and she ended up eating mine!

After downing our lunch, we made a beeline to the Tarheel Creamery Ice Cream truck - so good! Their espresso cookie ice cream hit the spot.

The next Raleigh Food Truck Rodeo is Sunday, June 14 - whose in?!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Guys and Shoes

I'll let you in on a little secret: I judge men by their shoes. It's terrible, I know. But I feel like shoes are the window to the style-soul - they reveal much about an individual's personal style. Some girls take a quick look to see if a cute guy is wearing a wedding band, but I always glance at his shoes first. One of my pet-peeves is flip-flops. Guys, flip-flops should be worn to the beach, to the pool, and to take the trash out. Every other occasion requires actual shoes.

For summer, decide if you are a loafer type of guy, or if you are more comfortable in some casual sneakers (I don't mean running shoes - those are for working out and running to get some groceries).

[Loafers - Sneakers

For winter, usually some type of boot is best for causal occasions. Here are three of my favorites:

Now, guys dress shoes can be a little complicated, so if you're interested in understanding some of the terminology, here is a fun diagram from Otherwise, here are some of my tops picks:

I have a post about my top ten investment worthy pieces for a guy's wardrobe in the works, but shoes get their own post. Check back in a bit!

Friday, May 8, 2015

12 in 12: Jose and Sons

I have to say, Jose and Sons is now my go-to place for Mexican food in Raleigh. It was so good! My friend, Sarah, and I ventured to Southwest corner of downtown back in April for some amazing food.

Our waitress was so sweet, and the atmosphere was quite unique! It definitely had an Old-West meets East-Coast-Southern feel about it. Hard to explain unless you have been there - which means you should go!

Sarah ordered two appetizers for her meal: Chicken Floutas and a bowl of Crema Negra soup (Check out the descriptions on their menu!)

I ordered the Collard-Wraped Tamales - simply amazing. Period. The end.

Jose and Sons is just a few doors down from Videri Chocolate Factory, which I would have loved to try, but we were just so full! 

After dinner, I asked a guy sitting at an outside table if he would take our picture, but none of the photos he snapped turned out well at all. He did admit to having had a few too many drinks....

Next up in the 12 in 12 series: Sitti!

Monday, May 4, 2015

The "Good Ol' Days"

You know when you take a bite of a lemon square and it's almost so sweet and tangy that it hurts your teeth? Thats how I feel about life right now - sweet and tangy. My roommate said to me the other day, "These are the days we will look back on and say, 'Those were the good ol' days.'" I think she's right. There are so many fun things do and go to and see, and there are such amazing people in our lives to join in on the adventures. I can't wait for the summer with beach trips, outdoor concerts, shag dancing, and weddings. What good ol' days these will be.