
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Grown Up

Being "grown up" is kind of scary. Ok, a lot scary. All the newness in my life is exciting, but it can also be massively overwhelming at the same time. I love my apartment, but it still feels like someone else should be living here and I should just be visiting. I also love having a new job, but it's often frustrating to still be learning the ropes and feeling one or two (or sometimes three or four) steps behind.

All growing up and all through college I would constantly think to myself, enjoy this now, because one day it won't be this way anymore. I would lie in bed at night and hear my brothers stomping around the room above me - Don't be annoyed. One day you won't live here anymore. Enjoy having everyone under the same roof. I would walk across campus to an early morning class - Don't wish this away. One day you won't be a student here anymore. Enjoy the days of having a schedule and be thankful you get to study something you love. I would always try to savor each moment, even the difficult or mundane ones, because I knew things would eventually change and I could never go back.

Things have changed. I can't go back. So even though I feel as though I'm standing in a deluge of all that is unfamiliar, I want to appreciate the good moments as well as the hard ones because I know this won't last forever. I don't want to wish this time away only to look back and regret not enjoying these crazy, difficult, fun, overwhelming, growing-up days.


  1. Beth, this is so, so true. I didn't realize how much I would truly miss the routine, simple, difficult times either. I have really enjoyed this blog and reading your perspective of life. Thank you for sharing. You are an awesome woman and I know that you will do awesome things in the future and you are right --- enjoy life everyday.

    1. Dear Whoever-you-may-be,
      Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. Another secret of growing up is that you will never *feel* grown up! No matter how many milestones you pass.

    <3 Becca
