
Friday, January 30, 2015

Apartment Update: Art

I was looking around the apartment the other day and realized how much art adds to the feel of a space. We still have a couple bare walls that could use a little frame or two, but for now, they are just fine the way they are. Here's a quick peek at some of the ways we've covered the walls around here so far.

{This one painted by my lovely roommate!}

 In addition to frames and art, having some greenery on the walls somehow makes the place feel fresh. I love the wreaths we have hanging around the apartment.

Also, who says every frame has to have something in it?!

This frame hung empty in my bedroom for years growing up. I kind of like it that way - just by itself.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Recent Obsession: Blue and White

My mom has a simple phrase she uses to describe her style choices. Her house is full of colors, patterns, furniture, and plates that "make her smile." I know that she doesn't consider herself stylist or decorator, but I think her philosophy is pretty solid: if it makes you smile, you can make it work. For some reason, blue and white - stripes especially - make me smile. The combination is just so fresh and clean, I can't help it!

Images: 12345678

Friday, January 16, 2015

12 in 12: The Remedy Diner

Checked off the first of my 12 in 12 with brunch at The Remedy Diner! Such a fun time with a sweet friend.

 I ordered the quiche of the day which came with gouda grits and fruit, and Julie ordered the "Weekender:" ham, eggs, tomatoes, and goat cheese on wheat toast with dijon mustard.

It was definitely not the type of place I would typically choose for brunch, but it was fun to try a new place outside of my usual box. The Remedy has a funky, downtown sort of atmosphere with a quirky, artistic feel. I snapped this picture of the wall in the bathroom -  not your average bathroom decor for sure!

After brunch, Julie and I walked around downtown (even though it was freezing!), and we found a venue down near City Market that neither of us knew existed - Cobblestone Hall.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Guys. Raleigh/Durham has its own app!

Several N. C. State graduates collaborated to come up with an app to "challenge people to live more interesting and memorable lives." It's a fantastic way to see what other people in your area are discovering and to find out where to plan your own adventures around the city.

The app connects to your social media accounts, and you can tag the places you've visited or restaurants where you've eaten to give other folks in the city fresh ideas. You can bookmark destinations and check them off after you go to each one.

They also keep you informed on upcoming evens like concerts or runs. When you pull it up on your phone or tablet, it looks sort of like Instagram - supper easy to use.

Check it out!