
Saturday, January 10, 2015


Guys. Raleigh/Durham has its own app!

Several N. C. State graduates collaborated to come up with an app to "challenge people to live more interesting and memorable lives." It's a fantastic way to see what other people in your area are discovering and to find out where to plan your own adventures around the city.

The app connects to your social media accounts, and you can tag the places you've visited or restaurants where you've eaten to give other folks in the city fresh ideas. You can bookmark destinations and check them off after you go to each one.

They also keep you informed on upcoming evens like concerts or runs. When you pull it up on your phone or tablet, it looks sort of like Instagram - supper easy to use.

Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. this is a great idea and app. Thank you for posting. I didn't realize that Raleigh had a trolley. I may have to do that this spring/summer so that I can check it off.
